A productive meeting at the TÜKOV Foundation in Istanbul

Horia Oane and Mine Oane in Turkey

Horia Oane & Mine Barisik had a visit to the famous TÜKOV Foundation in Istanbul. It was not only a productive and hospitable visit but also a pleasure to see how the members of the TÜKOV Foundation want to promote the Turkish heritage: Emperors, Sultans, Islamic culture, Leadership, language, faith, history. Soon, BroHouse will begin an extraordinary project together to promote these values ​​that gather millions of tourists from around the world.


TÜKOV (Turkish World Coordination Foundation) was founded by Șahin Çokyamanin and was established in Istanbul in the second part of 2012. The purpose of the foundation is based on the philosophy of “Unity, ideas and business success”.

 The purpose of the foundation

The Turkish Foundation operates independently of all political institutions that support projects and non-governmental organizations, especially for the young sector. It has several objectives: it examines Turkey’s economic, social and political structures in scientific and academic terms, assists in the education of young Turks and encourages the success of students and faculties to adapt themselves to education, culture, health and scientific research.  

Moreover, the foundation also elaborates socio-economic-political proposals in the interests of Turkey and the Islamic nation. 

The CEO Haber newspaper

Soon, BroHouse will start an extraordinary project together. A magazine visit to the prestigious Turkish newspaper CEOhaber (see link).